Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The nicest kind of day

I was off school today for election day, which rocks all by itself. Not that I don't love my job, but my kids have been so obnoxious lately, a break was very nice. It was rainy and cold and grey (yes, grey!) all day today, so one would expect the day to be depressing, but it was pretty wonderful -- I slept really late, and then I went over to my friend Kim's house to work on some music for the Christmas banquet. We had a great time drinking tea, practicing and talking classical/Celtic Christmas music. Her house is magnificently relaxing, and her kids are lots of fun. Then I went and voted, and now I am home watching TV with a pot of cheddar broccoli soup simmering. It's a shame I have to go back to work tomorrow.


Amanda said...

Glad you had a good day. Another day off would be nice. I'm praying for lots of snow days this year.

Holli said...

yes, but I can testify that you only enjoy time off when you actually have a job! That soup sounds good...